by: Jackie Mock
Effective time management is a means to a less stressful life and unfortunately one of the hardest practices to implement in our lives. It requires that we take charge of our every day and make use of our  time wisely in order to get the most out of our days.
Have you ever found yourself completely overwhelmed by projects and tasks that need to be completed at work or even at home? More than not, people often find that their day has gone by and they haven’t put in near enough time to tasks at hand. The phone keeps ringing, co-worker interrupt you, your day is staggered with interruptions that completely throw off your day. Meetings, co-workers, phone calls, friends, children, family… how do you keep it all organized? How can you get the most from your day and feel a greater since of accomplishment? It starts with a pad,
a pen, and a desire to take control of your life!
1. Plan every day. When you take charge of your life by planning your day, even your weekends, you feel in control. Life doesn’t make you feel like you’re being jerked around. Every day write a to-do list putting the most important tasks or projects for the day at the top of
the  list.

2Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize. Prioritizing tasks will ensure that you spend your time and energy on tasks or projects that are truly important to you or are time sensitive. Put a lot of thought into how long a task or project will take to complete and work it in accordingly in your daily list.

3. Break down large projects or tasks.  If you have a large project and a time line to complete it, say a week, break it down into smaller segments and set aside time to devote to it every day until it is complete. This will help you to not feel overwhelmed, keep your mind fresh and focused, and give you a greater sense of accomplishment in the end

4. Take time to do good quality work. No one wants to have to spend a lot of time redoing their work because they didn’t take time to do it right the first time. If you take the time to get it right the first time, you will save a ton of time and be less frustrated.

5. Learn to say “NO”. Before you take on more work during the day, look over your to-do list  and remember your goals for the day. It’s great to help others out or do a favor for a co-worker, but if it interferes with your assigned tasks and deadlines it can be disastrous. Sometimes we have to say no”. If you kindly explain why, most people will understand. That’s not to say that there won’t be times when emergencies occur and you have to pitch in, those always pop up, but if you take on extra work on a daily basis and it’s affecting your quality of work… you’ll be hearing about it loud and clear come review time. 

6. Learn to delegate. Sometimes delegating tasks for projects can be very productive. Even for tasks like housework. When delegating, think about the tasks to be done and who could do specific parts of it the best. Once you have come up with a list, delegate those tasks out. Sometimes two or three heads are better than one!

7. Cut distractions. Sometimes you simply have to shut the world out to complete tasks. Close the door to your office, shut off your phone or put a hold on calls, let others around you know that you will be busy with work for a certain amount of time and that you need privacy during that time.

8. Other practices that can be helpful: being mindful of your diet, and getting plenty of sleep and exercise, take breaks when you need them, and always evaluate how well you are managing
your time. There is always room for improvement.

And last, but not least HIRE A PROFESSIONAL TO HELP YOU LEARN TIME MANAGEMENT. If your brain is too fried to think about trying any of the above actions, you need to consider asking for professional help. Career Coaches are trained to help you sort everything out and get back on track. You know that managing your time more effectively will help you get more done each day, decrease your stress, and make for a happier you. What are you waiting on? It’s time to get back on track! Contact a Career Coach today! 


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Coaching programs have been around for years,  but the popularity of Coaching services has grown greatly over
the past 10 years!

Why the growth in popularity?
The need to adapt to a business world that is changing at an
increasingly rapid speed!

have generated positive outcome for those that embrace the process.

Career coaching is used by both businesses and individuals. Coaching programs and services have produced improved quality in management, employee  relations, and employee performance. Most importantly, it has assisted individuals in discovering  rewarding careers that they look forward to doing every day... AND...  helped improve  their lives both in quality and monetarily.

The old ways of getting a good job, interviewing, and making cold calls, is virtually a thing  of the past. Today it takes eye catching resumes, good cover letters, understanding how applying online works, marketing yourself, using social media, and skilled interviewing and negotiating, to land the job YOU want.
Career Coaching can help you move through this process with confidence and less stress. So give it a try. You'll be glad you did!

A Career Coach can help you discover answers to questions such as: 

- What are my strengths, values and  priorities and how can they factor into a career?
- What would be the best career  for me and what career options and possibilities do I have?
- How do I discover barriers that stop me from moving forward?
 -How do I successfully network to find job leads and contacts?
- How do I develop my brand and develop a marketing plan for myself?
- How do I develop and strengthen my interviewing skills to optimize success?
​- Am I best suited to work for a company or be an entrepreneur?


DISCOVER YOUR HIDDEN POTENTIAL: using exploration, assessments, introspection, and research.
DEVELOP POSITIVE DECISION MAKING SKILLS: using focused prioritizing and developing positive decision making strategies.
CREATE CAREER VISION: Learn to create a vision for your career future and develop strategies and goals to accomplish that vision.
CAREER DEVELOPMENT: Learn to create, build, prepare, and practice new  skills to accomplish career goals.
MARKETING: Discover your “Brand” and how to network and promote yourself into a great career.
CAREER TRANSITION: Learn to transition from one career to another using strategy, resumes, improved networking, and interviewing skills.

Are You Only Pretending to Be in the Right Job.
By: Bruce Kasanoff

Every day I come across people who are in the wrong job. You do, too. They
are sad, unhelpful and may seem incompetent. It's tempting to get mad at them,
but the more humane response is compassion. No one feels comfortable doing a job for which they are a bad fit.

These experiences are frustrating, which is why it's so refreshing to come
across someone who is in the right job. Glenn O'Neill, for example, is a middle
school teacher who has taught social studies to all three of my kids. He is
always upbeat, inspiring and insightful; the students love him, and the parents
do, too. Most importantly, he seems to love what he does.
In honor of this great teacher, I created The Glenn O'Neill Test. It will
help you understand if you are actually a good fit for your current job:

Do people seek you out? If others go out of their way to tap
into your expertise, it's a very good sign you are in the right position. To
test this, ask yourself a hard question: do people come to you for help because
they have to, or because they want to?

Do "customers" recommend you? Everyone has customers, even
if you don't call them that. Someone depends on you to do your job well. The
highest compliment is when these folks praise your skills to others. When people
recommend someone, they are putting their personal reputation on the line. Do
others respect the job you are doing enough to risk their reputation endorsing

Does your job feel "just right?" It's not too easy, but it's
not too hard, either. You generally don't get either overwhelmed or bored. This
can be a really hard balance to sustain, and it's quite possible that the job
that was perfect for you two years ago is too basic for you today.

Do you have room - and the energy - to grow? Every year
should bring fresh challenges. It's a giant warning sign when your job
theoretically leaves you room to grow, but you lack the energy to tackle those
"challenges." Early in my career, I worked in an entry-level position for
WGBH/Boston, the public broadcasting station. My supervisor gave me a review
that said I still had plenty of room to master my basic responsibilities, but I
perceived those tasks were so far below my aspirations as to not be worth my
time. Her supervisor agreed, and pulled me out of the department to take on on a much more challenging position.

Are you eager to learn? People who think they know
everything there is to know about their job are at risk of getting old, jaded
and inflexible. The world is constantly changing, and there are always new
skills and insights to learn. If you don't feel this way, you're in the wrong

Are you comfortable with your compensation? We all could use
more money, but it's critical that you are able to make things work on your
current income. Life is not always fair, and sometimes society doesn't value
highly enough the job you were born to do. You may have made other life
decisions - such as having four kids - that preclude you from being a good fit
for a job you otherwise would love. Few things eat away at your soul like
feeling that you are underpaid for the work that you do.

Does your job fit your self-image? Human beings are complicated. We don't just need money and something worthwhile to do. Many of us
need prestige, power, or respect. Some people care more about their influence
than their income. Others want to be in the room when big decisions are being
made. While your job won't satisfy all your needs, it should be a good fit with
who you really are.

Are you thankful? Gratitude is important. I feel bad for
people who don't know how lucky they are until they lose what they had. If you
are actively thankful for your job, the odds are good that others are also
thankful you are in your position.

14 Signs You Love Your Job
By: Dharmesh Shah

1. You don’t talk about other people; you talk about the cool things
other people are doing.

“I hear Mary is heading up a new project. What are they working on?” “I’d
love to know how Mike managed to rescue that customer relationship.” “Sherry
developed a new sales channel; is there some way we can leverage that?”

When you love your job you don’t gossip about the personal failings of
others. You talk about their successes, because you’re happy for them – and
because you’re happy with yourself.

2. You think, “I hope I get to…” instead of, “I hope I don’t have to…”
When you love your job it’s like peeling an onion. There are always more
layers to discover and explore. When you hate your job it’s also like peeling an onion – but all you discover
are more tears.

3. You see your internal and external customers not as people to
satisfy but simply as people.

They aren't numbers. You think of them as real people who have real
needs. And you gain a real sense of fulfillment and purpose from taking care of
those needs.

4. You enjoy your time at work. 
You don't have to put in time at work and then escape to life to be happy.
You believe in enjoying life and enjoying work. When you love your job, it’s a part of your life. You feel alive and joyful
not just at home – but also at work.

5. You would recommend working at your company to your best

In fact, you can't stop talking about how cool your company is and the
awesome work you're doing even when you're away from work.

6. You enjoy attending meetings.
No, seriously, you enjoy meetings. Why? Because it’s fun to be at the center
of thoughtful, challenging discussions that lead to decisions, initiatives, and
changes – changes you get to be a part of.

7. You don’t think about surviving. You think about  winning.
You don't worry much about losing your job. You're more worried about not
achieving your potential. Not being as impactful as you can.

8. You see your manager as a person you work with, not for.
You feel valued. You feel respected. You feel trusted.

9. You don’t want to let your coworkers down.
Not because you’ll get in trouble or get a bad performance review, but
because you admire them – and you want them to admire you.

10. You hardly ever look at the clock.
You’re too busy making things happen. When you do look at the clock, you
often find that the time has flown.

11. You view success in terms of fulfillment and gratification – not
just promotions and money.

Everyone wants to be promoted. Everyone wants to earn more. You definitely feel that way too… but somewhere along the way your job has come to mean a lot more to you than just a paycheck. And if you left this job,  even if for a lot higher salary… you would still miss it. A lot.

12. You leave work with items on your to-do list you’re excited about
tackling tomorrow.

Many people cross the “fun” tasks off their to-do lists within the first hour
or two. You often have cool stuff – new initiatives, side projects, hunches you want  to confirm with data, people you want to talk to – left over when it’s time to go home.

13. You help without thinking.
You like seeing your colleagues succeed, so it’s second nature to help them
out. You pitch in automatically. And they do the same for you.

14. You don’t think about retirement… because retirement sounds

…and a lot less fulfilling.

How many of the above statements apply to you and your

If you said:

0-3: You may want to find a new job. Life is too short.
4-6: You don't hate your job... but you don't love it either. What can you
do differently?
7-10: You really enjoy your job and the people you work with
11-14: You are deeply, madly in love with your job! (and your friends are
What’s your dream? Do you have a huge life dream that you have been working on all your life? Do you have several smaller dreams that are possibly leading up to one big dream? Do you start with one dream and then switch mid gear to another one, feeling a sense of failure because you can’t seem to stick to your dream? Dreaming is one of the great things in life, but there has to be an element of determination and planning to accomplish your dreams. Without it you go through life “wanting” and not “getting”.

To successfully accomplish a dream, you have to make a plan and stick to it. Outlining a plan, whether big or small, takes time, patience, and organization. Say your dream is to own your own business one day. You have to ask yourself the big questions such as; what is the business going to be, what time frame do I want to work in to get to that goal, what do I need to learn and what experience will I need to have to be successful in that business, how will I finance the business, what do I have to do be able to finance the business, how will I grow the business, who will my customer base be?  These are just a few of the questions you will have to ask yourself and answer. This process becomes the outline, the first step, to accomplishing the dream. This process will take time. Your patience will be tested as you search for the answers to your questions. Finding the answers will require research. Not only will you have to research written material but you will also have to talk to people with experience and similar dreams. Everyone begins this process thinking it’s a quick and simple task, but they soon find out how long the process can be, so don’t get discouraged. 

Once you have designed an outline for your dream, you will need to give it a time frame and decide how you are going to accomplish it. Maybe you need more education in the field you want to go in, maybe you need hands on experience, maybe you have these things but need a financial plan to get to start up. Set goals within your time frame to get to the end goal. Accomplishing your dream may take you a year, or three years, or possibly more. Having a clear vision of how long it’s going to take to get to the desired goal will help you stay focused and on track.

Focus and determination will bring you to a successful end. Surround yourself with people who have faith in you and want you to accomplish your goals. A positive support group is a huge asset. Be smart in your choices and be grateful all along the way. We all deserve to dream big and enjoy the success those dreams can bring!

 Achieving Success in Life Using Goals

I don’t know a single person who does not want success in life, but success doesn’t just happen. Below are a few ideas to help you find and structure success in life. 

* Set goals. Believe me, success doesn’t just happen. Think about the direction you want your life to go in and set goals to get there. If you are just beginning to think about these things, set small goals and build to bigger ones as u get used to setting goals. There’s a great deal of satisfaction in accomplishing goals and the boost it give your self-confidence is amazing.

* Find inspiration to accomplish goals. A goal is generally set by a desire. When you desire something, inspiration gives it life. Search out inspiration to feed your goals. Read books about people that have reached the goal you desire. Mingle with people that are successful and that you look up to. Learn from and be inspired by them. Find a way to spark inspiration every day and keep a flame lite under your goals.

* Make a plan to reach your goal and track your success. No goal happens without a plan to reach it. Plan out how you are going to meet your goal and give it a time line. Journal your success and reward yourself in some small way when you accomplish milestones along the

way. Planning and tracking will keep you focused and on track. Rewarding yourself…. well that just makes you feel good.

* Be strong and don’t give up. You are going to have days when you feel like you are getting nowhere fast. Don’t sweat it. We all do. Stay strong, look toward your sources of inspiration, and remember that tomorrows another day. You will get through this one.

* Be positive. I know no one that gets ahead by being negative. A positive attitude is a must in life. Look at every day as an opportunity to reach your goals, realize success, learn, and be happy in life. You will be amazed at how this alone will change your life.

* Have an attitude of gratitude. All along your life path there will be people, experiences, and circumstances that will help you achieve success in your life. Always be grateful for these things and for all the future successes coming your way.

Check in next week for Dream Big

Careers By JAM is beginning a series on Goal Setting. Please check in weekly to enjoy this 3 part article.

You Gotta Set Goals!

If you want to get ahead in life, you have to set goals. Often people won’t set goals because they are afraid of failure; not being able to accomplish the goals they set. What they are actually doing by “not” setting goals is shooting themselves in the foot. Goals help us reach successes in life and ultimately bring us happiness and fulfillment. Below are simple steps you can take to set up and achieve your goals.

* Positive goal setting. Never set a goal in which you are running from something. A goal should always be something you are reaching for and not be attached to a negative. 

* Set reasonable goals. Be realistic. Don’t set goals that don’t fit you, your life style, or your current life situation. Also don’t set goals that conflict with each other. Just as a person can’t be in two places at one time, the same is true about goals. They have to work harmoniously together is you are working on more than one goal at a time. 

* Write the goal, or goals, in a journal. Research and detail how your will achieve the goal. This will insure that you are well informed about what will be necessary to accomplish your goal as well as keep you focused and on track to completing the goal. Refer to the journal often and track your success in getting to the end result. As you succeed along the path, you will be inspired and energized as you realize your goal.

* Realize the power of goal setting. When people first start working with goals they generally begin with goals that are short and easy to accomplish. This is a good thing at first because they begin to reap the rewards of the process and get used to working with them. But with time we all grow up. Don’t make the mistake of never pushing yourself to achieve big goals. Everyone starts small in the beginning, but the goal is to dream bigger and reach farther. 

Check in next week for Achieving Success in Life Using Goals


    June 2013
    May 2013
    February 2013

    Career Futures by JAM provides career services that are goal oriented and realistic. Theres no sugar coating, we get right to the heart of things and help you successfully reach your career goals. Service area's: One on one career coaching by certified Career Coaches, resume development and writing, cover letters, job development and interview guidance, and more. 

