by: Jackie Mock
Effective time management is a means to a less stressful life and unfortunately one of the hardest practices to implement in our lives. It requires that we take charge of our every day and make use of our  time wisely in order to get the most out of our days.
Have you ever found yourself completely overwhelmed by projects and tasks that need to be completed at work or even at home? More than not, people often find that their day has gone by and they haven’t put in near enough time to tasks at hand. The phone keeps ringing, co-worker interrupt you, your day is staggered with interruptions that completely throw off your day. Meetings, co-workers, phone calls, friends, children, family… how do you keep it all organized? How can you get the most from your day and feel a greater since of accomplishment? It starts with a pad,
a pen, and a desire to take control of your life!
1. Plan every day. When you take charge of your life by planning your day, even your weekends, you feel in control. Life doesn’t make you feel like you’re being jerked around. Every day write a to-do list putting the most important tasks or projects for the day at the top of
the  list.

2Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize. Prioritizing tasks will ensure that you spend your time and energy on tasks or projects that are truly important to you or are time sensitive. Put a lot of thought into how long a task or project will take to complete and work it in accordingly in your daily list.

3. Break down large projects or tasks.  If you have a large project and a time line to complete it, say a week, break it down into smaller segments and set aside time to devote to it every day until it is complete. This will help you to not feel overwhelmed, keep your mind fresh and focused, and give you a greater sense of accomplishment in the end

4. Take time to do good quality work. No one wants to have to spend a lot of time redoing their work because they didn’t take time to do it right the first time. If you take the time to get it right the first time, you will save a ton of time and be less frustrated.

5. Learn to say “NO”. Before you take on more work during the day, look over your to-do list  and remember your goals for the day. It’s great to help others out or do a favor for a co-worker, but if it interferes with your assigned tasks and deadlines it can be disastrous. Sometimes we have to say no”. If you kindly explain why, most people will understand. That’s not to say that there won’t be times when emergencies occur and you have to pitch in, those always pop up, but if you take on extra work on a daily basis and it’s affecting your quality of work… you’ll be hearing about it loud and clear come review time. 

6. Learn to delegate. Sometimes delegating tasks for projects can be very productive. Even for tasks like housework. When delegating, think about the tasks to be done and who could do specific parts of it the best. Once you have come up with a list, delegate those tasks out. Sometimes two or three heads are better than one!

7. Cut distractions. Sometimes you simply have to shut the world out to complete tasks. Close the door to your office, shut off your phone or put a hold on calls, let others around you know that you will be busy with work for a certain amount of time and that you need privacy during that time.

8. Other practices that can be helpful: being mindful of your diet, and getting plenty of sleep and exercise, take breaks when you need them, and always evaluate how well you are managing
your time. There is always room for improvement.

And last, but not least HIRE A PROFESSIONAL TO HELP YOU LEARN TIME MANAGEMENT. If your brain is too fried to think about trying any of the above actions, you need to consider asking for professional help. Career Coaches are trained to help you sort everything out and get back on track. You know that managing your time more effectively will help you get more done each day, decrease your stress, and make for a happier you. What are you waiting on? It’s time to get back on track! Contact a Career Coach today! 

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    Career Futures by JAM provides career services that are goal oriented and realistic. Theres no sugar coating, we get right to the heart of things and help you successfully reach your career goals. Service area's: One on one career coaching by certified Career Coaches, resume development and writing, cover letters, job development and interview guidance, and more. 

